Learning ATCs


If you have been following along, you will know that I have been participating in Artist Trading Card swaps for the past 8 months or so. Well, this month I got to be hostess!! Being hostess is soooooo much fun!! The best part is seeing all the cards in person!! They are so much more beautiful, and elaborate in person than you are able to see in the scanned or photographed image of them. Seeing them all in person lined up is VERY impressive!!

I also quite enjoyed the envelopes they arrived in. Some were colorful, some were stamped, some had funny titles addressing me. I need to follow suit next time and make sure I make my envelopes just as fun and colorful!

This month we also started something new. We decided to have an inchie swap. An Inchies is just what it sounds like- it is a piece of art that is an inch square. And yes, as I reminded my buddies several times while trying to make an inchie of my own- an inch is VERY small &#59;). I spaced on getting pics of all the inchies, so I apologize. It is even more amazing to see how detailed the inchies can be!!

Here is the roll call of these gorgeous ATCs….

Learning ATC Swap

Kelly Hoernig http://www.kellyhoernig.com

Constance Rawlins  http://www.livingwithinyourharvest.com/blog

Mary Sterk: http://www.JustMaryDesigns.com

Janet Forrest http://www.tatterednworn.wordpress.com (she also made the apple inchie!)

Julie Borkosky: web site coming soon!!

Sally Rose http://sallyhow2.blogspot.com/

Karen Flanagan Claverie: http://giddyupletsride.blogspot.com

Jill Lambert http://jill-lambert.blogspot.com/

Susan Dietz: http://flutterbeforeyou.blogspot.com

Cheryl Dossey http://www.cheryldossey.com/

Deborah Eaton http://www.deborahgeaton.com/blog/ (she also made the cupcake inchie!)

Linda Kinnaman http://lindakaysart.com/blog


Here are the ATCs and the inchie I made for the swap…


Learning ATC Swap

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