Cre8ive Klatch- Connecting thru Cre8ivity

Cre8ive Klatch Intro

Cre8ive Klatch- Connecting thru Cre8ivity
Cre8ive Klatch- Connecting thru Cre8ivity


I hinted last week that I was going to be part of a collaborative project and we are starting to introduce it over the next couple of months. The name of the project is call Cre8ive Klatch and it is a virtual coffee klatch for creative souls. I belong to a facebook group of creative women, and over the past few years we have shared many ideas, business plans and advice, as well as personal support and fun. It has been a mind blowing experience to have a bunch of like minded individuals connect without ever meeting in person (although some of us have met when we travel, and we do Google Hangouts occasionally in order to see each other). I have to say that I never would have thought I would have been so involved with a virtual group. I am typically the type of person where I don’t text, I call, and even better, I stop by. I hate video games, and facebook apps. But this group really intrigued me. I don’t have a lot of friends who are as crazy about exploring their creative side as me, and so finding a whole group of them who “get” me was awesome!

So after spending a few years sharing our art, and some of our life, we have decided to ” take this show on the road” 😉 . A bunch of us decided to try to create a new, larger, more extensive group pulling in other like minded souls to meet, create, share and learn. Over the next few weeks you will meet the group, and learn a little bit about their art, their process, and their personalities. After that, we will start sharing some tips, some projects and some ideas. Some will be short, some may be a bit more extensive, some will be for beginners, some may be a bit more advanced, and many of us use different mediums. In other words, there should be plenty of variety 🙂 .

In our busy lives, it takes a concerted effort to have some down time. It is important for self-care to have something that is fun, and creative, and, well just not work! And if you can do it with a group of people that share the same passions, then all the better. So take those few minutes a week for yourself. Create and Connect. We hope you join us, and spend some of your free time with us- learning, and sharing and growing creatively. I personally look forward to meeting you all!

Check out our Introduction to the project here!

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