Holiday Card Procrastination

I am supposed to be working on my Holiday Cards, and making cards for a church thing, and prepping for a class, not to mention housework, laundry and other life/family stuff. So what did I do instead? I designed and made a stencil. Because, well that was going to help. Not.

And then because I really liked the way the stencil came out, I of course, had to pull out my Gelli Arts Printing plate, and try it. And then because I really liked one of the mono prints I made, I ,of course, had to scan it in to the computer. And then because I wanted to see how it looked layerd, I, of course, had to bring it into Photoshop and play with it.

I, of course, didn’t have to do ANY of those things. In fact, I shouldn’t have been doing any of those things. But I am glad I did, because I really liked the way the stencil and the prints came out. It was just like the kid’s storybook- “If You Give a Moose a Muffin”. So, next time I have a lot to do, I probably will end up making a stencil.

Here is the original mono print:



And here is the print I came up with in Photoshop:


Medallion Gelli Arts monoprint  blue

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