Last week I took a class from Pam Carriker. It was fabulous, and during the class she showed us some sketches she had done of faces. In Conte crayon, so they were this lovely orange-y brown color. They were have done and very sketchy, and I loved them! I had some sketches going, one from the class actually using Pam’s new face stencils, and I decided to see if I could get the same feel as her conte sketches in Photoshop.
I used a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, and clicked the colorize button, and then played around with the Hue slider until I got the orange-y brown color I wanted. I also tried using a Photo Filter adjustment layer with the same color, but I felt that I had more control with Hue/Saturation. Of course I then added other layers to add texture and interest.
Here are some of the sketches after colorizing in Photoshop. This first one is the sketch I made using Pam’s face stencil:
Here is another one I worked on after taking Pam’s class:
Here is a sketch I drew while in Vermont, and decided to give it the same treatment, but just as a skight overtone, keeping most of the original colors:
This was a fun experiment, and you could do it with any color you like. Just choose Hue/Saturation and click the colorize checkbox at the bottom. Enjoy!!