Resin Impression in Clay

Ice Resin Impressions

Hi everyone! Today is a follow up in a series where I am experimenting with Ice Resin and Yupo paper cutouts. I am using Ice Resin to give a domed effect to my Silhouette Curio Yupo paper cutouts. My plan is to use these for imprinting them in clay or silicone molding putty, etc., and they would have a more rounded or 3D look than the flat paper cutout.

In this video, I started out by coating the Yupo paper cutouts made on on the Silhouette Curio with Ice Resin which is a 2 part resin where you mix equal amounts of parts a and b.  I coated one cutout as soon as I mixed the resin. Since it was pretty intricate, by the time I got to the second cutout the resin has set up a little bit and gotten a bit thicker. This was much better to use and proved to be a more rounded look after it was cured.

I do all of this on a Ranger non-stick craft sheet so that any drips of resin will pull off easily.

Note that I am using Yupo paper because it is easier for me to cut my more intricate designs on the Silhouette Curio. If you can get your design to cut with other cardstock, feel free to use that here as well.

Here I am coating the Yupo paper cutout with the resin:

Ice Resin Impression - coating the paper
Ice Resin Impression – coating the paper

I used some of the leftover resin to coat a printed cutout and also an image stamped onto the ranger craft sheet using Ranger’s Archival Ink. Note that you should drop a small blob of resin on your nonstick surface so that you can test to see when it is cured.

Here are the results:

Ice Resin Impression Result 1
Ice Resin Impression Result 1


Ice Resin Impression Result 2
Ice Resin Impression Result 2


Ice Resin Impression Result 3
Ice Resin Impression Result 3

The thinner Ice Resin would probably need another coat to get a more domed effect. The second piece I coated came out better when the Ice Resin was a bit thicker.

Here is an example of using one of the resin coated cutouts in clay. I am using Polymer clay here, but other clays including metal clay would work as well:

Resin Impression in Clay 2
Resin Impression in Clay


Resin Impression in Clay
Resin Impression in Clay

Whereas just a plain uncoated paper cutout would leave an impression like so:

Resin Impression in Clay Uncoated 2
Resin Impression in Clay Uncoated


Resin Impression in Clay Uncoated
Resin Impression in Clay Uncoated

As an additional demonstration, I stamped an image using Archival Ink (you can also use Stazon) onto the non-stick sheet and covered that with resin. When it cures, you can peel off the resin and the image comes with it. I also tried it here with Tim Holtz Ink, but that did not dry so I won’t be using that again. You can corral the resin in something that is non-stick if you want it to be a shape. I used to use silly bands (they were rubber bands in shapes that my kids used to to use).  Sorry- I didn’t snap a picture of this part!

Helpful tips:

  • Make sure your surface is level! Otherwise you could end up with wonky resin
  • Make sure your surface that you are working on is non-stick
  • Go slow to keep the resin on the paper cutout
  • Let the resin set up for a few minutes so it is a bit thicker and the results are a bit more rounded. 
  • You can always go back and do another coat because resin sticks to itself!

There will be more experiments with using resin and Yupo paper cutouts so stay tuned!

Here’s a video I made of this process using Ice Resin…


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