A few weeks ago, I posted a write up and video of how I do Laser Transfers with the Gelli Arts plate. I’ve been doing a lot of them lately and I tweaked my original method a little bit. I did not video this but I will explain the update shortly. In the meantime, if you did not see the original post, you can view that first here. It also describes what I do with the leftovers. I have tried a new brand of wipes for that technique and will update that below as well.
The tweaks I made to the process are pretty simple…
Tweak number 1: I decided to just not go over the transfer with another coat of paint. Instead, I roll the paint of my choice onto the Gelli Arts Printing Plate and lay a piece of cardstock on top and rub the back to pick up the paint just as if I was doing a straight print. Then I set that aside for a minute.
Tweak Number 2: I then do the Laser transfer part almost the same way, except that when I put out the paint I am going to use on the plate, I add a small drop of Alcohol Ink. In my case, I was using Amsterdam Paint which is much heavier than the Golden Fluid Acrylics that I normally use. So, the alcohol ink thinned it down and I feel like it made for a better print. So this step may or may not be necessary depending on the paint that you are using, but it might be worth a try if you are having trouble with transfers.
Now instead of coming over the transfer with additional paint, potentially messing up the transfer, I use the painted card stock I set aside from tweak number 1 and just lay that on top of the transfer on the Gelli Arts plate and rub/brayer to pick up the paint from the transfer.
Here are a couple of transfers using this method:

I decided that I liked the design with the mirror, although the girl was not transferred as completely as the image above, so I brought them into Photoshop and cut out the girl from the mirror and used the other girl in the layer underneath.
Here is how it turned out:

I also tweaked the mirror layer to try a different color although I think I like the original one better:

And finally, I haven’t done anything but “clean” the leftover print, but here she is waiting to be enhanced with inks, paints etc…

Hope you are having fun with your transfers! Enjoy!!